From the beginning, the new Box Hill Police Station was intended to be part of the Box Hill Civic Precinct. A completely new station built on an existing site, the Box Hill 24hr facility was designed to cater for 160 staff over three shifts.
As the site was already occupied, an extensive process was required. This involved feasibility reviews and community consultation, site planning, Council liaison and town planning, a significant decanting strategy - into a warehouse for the duration, demolition of the existing building and construction of the new facility.
The selection of external finishes reflect the civic intentions. Cream brick, sandstone and white powdercoat echo the finishes of the old town hall, library and church buildings in the area. The form displays a conscious formality, suited to a civic building.
The use of a blue feature on the facade delineates this building as a Police Station.
All the usual police functions are accommodated, including Uniformed and Plain Clothed units, a Sally Port, holding rooms, a Mess with a private courtyard, staff gymnasium and changing rooms. In addition to these, the facility houses public consultation rooms and a conference room. This allows for consultation with larger public groups such as Neighborhood Watch.

Box Hill Police Station
Box Hill, Victoria
Justice : Police Station