An extensive redevelopment of the existing court complex to refurbish the existing courts and add a further three custody courtrooms, this project included the construction of a new 24 hour Police Station and 25 person custody centre.
The project was completed in September 2003 and comprised a redevelopment and expansion of the existing Law Courts building and the replacement of the existing 24 hour Police Station and associated custody facility.
The courts complex was increased from four to seven courtrooms, including a children’s court and a VCAT sessions facility.
The adjacent police station complex was conceived as a modernist structure with references to historic local buildings, materials and landscaping. The layered facade accentuates the form and together with the use of vernacular materials, including local stone and brick, the building invites approach whilst retaining the stature of a significant public building. The architecture was influenced by the richness of the Yarra Valley environment so influential upon the Heidelberg School.

Heidelberg Police Station
Heidelberg, Victoria
Justice : Police Station