FPPV Architecture have been undertaking civic and cultural projects
at the Parliament of Victoria for over 25 years. This work has
included 12 stages (current) of stone restoration works, development
of a precinct masterplan, and assessment of the wider urban area,
particularly reviewng the impact of adjacent building heights and
future growth.
Internally, projects have addressed refurbishment works, heritage
restoration works, upgrade of facilities and amenities and
improvement of security. Given the public nature of the building,
any works, particularly externally, require sensitive and detailed
project planning. Stakeholders vary with each project, from
parliamentarians and service staff to adjacent building owners,
local council and the wider public. The external restoration works,
in particular, have involved extensive scoping, consultation
and management. Complex staging has been required for the
stoneworks to manage access and safety, while the waterproofing
and restoration of the front steps used careful zoning to ensure
public access remained open.
Perhaps the most challenging project to date has been development
of the brief for the completion of the Parliament building and
precinct. This project brought together 26 internal user groups,
including staff and Parliamentry ministers and members, with
external stakeholders. Such an exercise, that impacts both those
using the building and all the interested public, requires careful
processes and communication to balance the many opinions.

Parliament of Victoria, Security Upgrade
Melbourne, Victoria