An extensive and complex project, the driving principle for 11 Barry Street was the establishment of working ‘zones’. These zones consisted of Work, Community, Social, Collaborative and Focus areas.
“11 Barry Street is the standard for all new University support and adminstrative accommodation throughout the campus”
To achieve this, the deep floor plan was penetrated by three lightwells, ensuring that no staff member was more than 8m from natural light. Additionally, the placement of feature staircases in these lightwells enables three-dimensional travel, focusing gathering both within and between floors and reducing reliance on lifts.
Installation of alternate heating and cooling, along with several other interventions, allowed the building to achieve a Green Star rating. Overall, the refurbished heritage facade conceals a highly engaging and interactive work environment for the University.

UoM, 11 Barry Street
Carlton, Victoria
Faculty Accommodation, Heritage, Office Fit Out