FPPV were initially engaged to develop a masterplan forthe campus and are now undertaking the design of eachnew building. The design philosophy for the project wasdeveloped closely with the client for the campus at masterplanstage, to ensure an overarching theme and intent could becarried through the site. The new facilities will support thecontemporary Guide Dogs… Continue reading Guide Dogs Victoria, Kew Campus Development
Project Type: Interactive Learning Experience
Dialogue in the Dark
As an event partner, FPPV Architecture assisted in developingand adapting the Dialogue in the Dark concept for a localaudience, then brought the concept to life. FPPV coordinatedthe highly complex fitout, overcoming a series of technicalchallenges to ensure that the fitout complied with regulationsand maintained total darkness, with considerations given tooperation of services and warning systems.… Continue reading Dialogue in the Dark